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BSC in Nursing (Post basic)

Course Durations : 2 years

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The B.Sc. in Post Basic Nursing and B.Sc. in Post Basic Public Health Nursing Curriculum of Bangladesh were revised in 1998. This curriculum has been implementing since 2001. The course consists of two years and designed for registered nurses who completed Diploma in Nursing and Diploma in Midwifery hOrthopedics Nursing / Psychiatric Nursing and who completed Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery course. Curriculum is continuous changing process because of dynamic advancement of medical technologies, changing of disease patterns, nursing interventions, process and its scientific management as well as increasing the demand of the qualified nurses nationally and internationally. Meanwhile, the present curriculum is needed to be changed for updating because of changing of nursing educational system for the achievement of organizational goals and to maintain the uniformity in between different universities within the country. Therefore, the Government of Bangladesh has taken decision to update the existing curriculum document.


The overall goal of the educational program is to prepare qualified and competent nurses who will be able to demonstrate the skills of using in-depth knowledge-based practice for the provision of holistic and client-centered care to prevent, promote, maintain, and restore the health of individuals, families, and communities in complex health situations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Curriculumn Design:

There are a total of thirteen (13) subjects in major five (05) areas. Background Science subjects are entitled as internal subjects. These are Anatomy & physiology, Microbiology & pathology. These two subjects will be evaluated internally. The remaining 10 (ten) subjects will be assessed as the part of the university assessment process. These subjects are compulsory for both Bachelor of Science in Post Basic Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Post Basic Public Health Nursing except Comprehensive Nursing & Pathophysiology and Community Health Nursing. Bachelor of Science in Post Basic Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Post Basic Public Health Nursing course are differentiated through comprehensive Nursing &Pathophysiology and Community Health Nursing. But both subjects will be studied by both groups of students according to prescribed hours.

Core subject: Comprehensive Nursing & pathophysiology for Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Community Health Nursing for Bachelor of Science in Public Health Nursing.

Course Title:

# Background Science
1 Analogy and physiology
2 Microbiology and Physiology
# Advanced Clinical Care
1 Comprehensive Nursing & Pathophysiology
2 Nutrition, Nutrition Assessment & Biochemistry
3 Epidemiology
4 Reproductive Health
5 Mental health & Psychiatric Nursing
# Education & Training
1 Behavioral Scienece
2 Nursing Education & Corruiculmn Development
3 Health Education & Communication Skill
# Administration & Mnagement
1 Nusring Administration & Management
# Research
1 Nursing Research
1 Study Skills

Duration of the Program:

Bachelor of Science in Post Basic Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Post Basic Public Health Nursing courses are designed for 02 (two) academic years. Two (02) academic years of education is compulsory for both courses. Academic year will be started from July in each year.

Grading Scale:

Marks obtained (%) Grade Grade Point
80% - 100% A+ 4
75% - 79% A 3.75
70% - 74% A- 3.50
65% - 69% B+ 3.25
60% - 64% B 3.00
Less than 60% F 0