Admission Going on for session 2023-2024 | special discount for students who have achieved GPA of 5.0 in both SSC and HSC Exam | Our Courses: Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery | BSc in Nursing (Basic) | Diploma in Midwifery | BSc in Nursing (Post Basic) | Community Paramedics | Care Giver, For more details please contact us: 01795-575324, 01886-804566, 01712-878350

Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery

Course Durations : 3 years

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Nursing education:

Nursing education is a dynamic, continuous learning process of acquiring nursing and midwifery knowledge and skills that bring about changes of student behaviors. Nursing education acquires active and life-long learning and new learning builds on previous knowledge and experience. Learning in nursing education is best achieved when student is motivated and ready to learn, where student's dignity is respected; teaching strategies and learning experiences are carefully selected to facilitate critical thinking; and professional or clinical role modeling is offered.


The institutional goal of this program is to produce competent nurses that will enable them for demonstrate the competency of using knowledge-based practice for provision of quality holistic clientcentered nursing care to meet the needs/expectations and to promote, maintain, and restore heath of individuals, families, and communities nationally and internationally.

Curriculumn Design:

The curriculum is dynamic with provision for incorporating emerging health problems and changing health policies as well as latest advancement in health sciences. The Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery curriculum is designed for BNMC recognized institutions and incorporate (1) General courses to prepare students to understand the world, understand human behaviors and well-behave in the society (2) Foundation courses to furnish students with essential knowledge relevant to nursing and midwifery and (3) Professional courses for nursing and midwifery specific courses. The courses are sequenced from year one to year three, from simple to complex, with an attempt to increase students' competencies overtime.

Course Title:

# General Courses
1 Behavioral Science
2 Basic Science
3 Communicative English
4 Information & Communication Technology(ICT)
# Foundation Courses
1 Anatomy and Physiology
2 Microbiology and Parasitology
3 Nutrition and Dietetics
4 Pharmacology
# Professional Courses
1 Fundamentals of Nursing
2 Community Health Nursing
3 Medical & Surgical Nursing
4 Orthopedic Nursing
5 Orthopedic Nursing
6 Pediatric Nursing
7 Phychiatric Nursing
8 Midwifery
9 Leadership and Management
10 Research Methodology

Curriculumn Structure:

The Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery course will be of three years duration Each academic year consists of 52 weeks. Out of 52 weeks, 45 weeks will be reserved for theory, laboratory classes, clinical practice, review class and test examination. The rest of 07 weeks will be used for study leave, BNMC examination and school break. This break may also allow time for students who fail a course to take re-exam, or to do additional study like assignment & practice to improve their academic performance in order to fulfill the requirement of the course. Each week consists of 6 working days and 6 hours a day for theory & lab. So for theory and lab session a week consists of 36 hours. Each week consists of 6 working days and 8 hours a day for clinical practice.

Duration of Course:

There should be a minimum period of three years of education programme. Total hours are 5112 in the three years course. The academic year will start from January in each year. After completion of the program every student has to perform 06(six) months internship in an appropriate clinical areas/hospitals according to logbook. On the successful completion of the course, the student is required to take the BNMC comprehensive examination for licensing as a registered nurse. BNMC will issue professional License and academic certificate.

Grading Scale:

Marks obtained (%) Grade Grade Point
80% - 100% A+ 4
75% - 79% A 3.75
70% - 74% A- 3.50
65% - 69% B+ 3.25
60% - 64% B 3.00
Less than 60% F 0