Admission Going on for session 2023-2024 | special discount for students who have achieved GPA of 5.0 in both SSC and HSC Exam | Our Courses: Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery | BSc in Nursing (Basic) | Diploma in Midwifery | BSc in Nursing (Post Basic) | Community Paramedics | Care Giver, For more details please contact us: 01795-575324, 01886-804566, 01712-878350

Academics Dates

Home / academics-date

Date Event Day Title
Nov. 1, 2021 Monday Class start- Diploma in Nursing (Batch : 01)
Nov. 17, 2021 Wednesday Class start - Diploma in Midwifery (Batch : 01)
Nov. 17, 2021 Wednesday Class start - BSc in Nursing (Batch : 01)
Dec. 16, 2021 Thursday Victory day of Bangladesh - College closed
Dec. 25, 2021 Saturday Christmas day - College closed
Date Event Day Title
Feb. 21, 2022 Monday International Mother Language Day - College closed
March 6, 2022 to March 19, 2022 Sunday Midterm Exams week - Diploma & BSc (Batch : 01)
March 17, 2022 Thursday Birthday of Father of the Nation - College closed
March 19, 2022 Saturday Sab-e-barat* -college closed
March 26, 2022 Saturday Independance day -college closed
March 30, 2022 to April 23, 2022 Wednesday BNMC Year final exam - BMS (Batch : 05)
April 14, 2022 Thursday Pohela Boishak - college closed
April 26, 2022 to May 5, 2022 Tuesday Eid-ul-Fitr* - college closed
April 29, 2022 Friday Sab-e-qadar* - college closed
May 1, 2022 Sunday May day - college closed
May 12, 2022 Thursday International Nurses Day - College closed
May 15, 2022 Sunday Buddha Purnima - college closed
May 26, 2022 to June 4, 2022 Thursday Test Exam Diploma (Batch : 01)
July 2, 2022 to July 7, 2022 Saturday Supplimentery Exam Diploma (Batch: 01)
July 7, 2022 to July 14, 2022 Thursday Eid-ul-adha* - college closed
Aug. 4, 2022 to Aug. 13, 2022 Thursday BNMC Final exam Written - Diploma (Batch : 01)
Aug. 9, 2022 Tuesday Ashura*- college closed
Aug. 15, 2022 Monday National Mourning Day- College closed
Aug. 18, 2022 Thursday Jonmo Ostomoi - college closed
Aug. 20, 2022 to Aug. 31, 2022 Saturday BNMC Final Viva exam- Diploma (Batch : 01)
Aug. 27, 2022 to Sept. 7, 2022 Saturday Test exam (Written) - BSc Basic (Batch: 01)
Aug. 31, 2022 to Sept. 5, 2022 Wednesday First year final exam leave - Diploma(batch :01)
Sept. 7, 2022 to Sept. 15, 2022 Wednesday Test exam (Viva)- BSc basic (Batch: 01)
Sept. 25, 2022 to Oct. 16, 2022 Sunday First year Final (Written) - BSc basic (Batch : 01)
Oct. 1, 2022 to Oct. 6, 2022 Saturday Dhurga Puja - College Closed
Oct. 9, 2022 Sunday Eid e-Milad-un Nabi* - College Closed
Oct. 29, 2022 to Nov. 7, 2022 Saturday First year Final Holiday (Basic BSc) - Batch : 01
Dec. 16, 2022 Friday Victory day - College Closed
Dec. 17, 2022 to Dec. 19, 2022 Saturday Annual Study Tour'2022 - college closed
Dec. 25, 2022 Sunday Christmas day - College Closed
Date Event Day Title
Feb. 21, 2023 Tuesday International Mother Language Day - College closed
March 26, 2023 Sunday National Independence Day - College Closed
April 10, 2023 to April 18, 2023 Monday Test Exam (Batch : 01)
April 10, 2023 to April 18, 2023 Monday Midterm Exam (Batch : 02)
April 14, 2023 Friday Pohela Boishak - College Closed
April 19, 2023 to April 25, 2023 Wednesday Eid ul Fitr* - College Closed
May 1, 2023 Monday May Day - College Closed
May 4, 2023 Thursday Buddha Purnima - College Closed
June 27, 2023 to July 4, 2023 Tuesday Eid Ul Adha* - College Closed
July 12, 2023 to Sept. 24, 2023 Wednesday Supplementary Test Examination for Diploma in Nursing and Diploma in Midwifery Students (Batch : 01 & 02)
July 13, 2023 to July 26, 2023 Thursday Test Exam for BSc in Nursing (Basic) (Batch : 01 & 02)
July 29, 2023 Saturday Maharram* (Ashura) - College Closed
Aug. 15, 2023 Tuesday National Morun Day - College Closed
Sept. 6, 2023 Wednesday Jonmo Astami - College Closed
Sept. 10, 2023 to Sept. 30, 2023 Sunday Class Suspension For BNMC Final Exam - Batch : 03
Sept. 14, 2023 to Sept. 25, 2023 Thursday BNMC Final Exam- Written (Batch 01 & 02)
Sept. 28, 2023 Thursday Eid-e-Miladun Nabi* - College Closed
Oct. 21, 2023 to Oct. 26, 2023 Saturday Durga Puja Holiday - College Closed
Dec. 5, 2023 Tuesday Shiraboron Program (Batch: 03) - College Closed
Dec. 16, 2023 Saturday National Victory Day - College Closed
Dec. 23, 2023 to Dec. 29, 2023 Saturday Internal Final Exam (BSc Post Basic Batch: 02)
Dec. 23, 2023 to Jan. 4, 2024 Saturday Midterm Exam (Batch 03 All Courses Without Post Basic)
Dec. 25, 2023 Monday Christmas Day - College Closed
Date Event Day Title
Jan. 6, 2024 to Jan. 8, 2024 Saturday Twelfth Parliamentary Election Voting - College Closed
Jan. 10, 2024 to Jan. 21, 2024 Wednesday Midterm Exam (Interview & Practical) - Batch :03
Jan. 23, 2024 Tuesday Midterm Exam - Batch 01 & 02
Feb. 14, 2024 Wednesday Saraswati Puja- College Closed
Feb. 21, 2024 Wednesday International Mother Language Day - Rally & Discussion Program
Feb. 22, 2024 Thursday Nutrition Program - Batch 02
March 17, 2024 Sunday Birthday of Bongobondu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - Discussion Program
April 3, 2024 to April 30, 2024 Wednesday Midterm Supplementary Exam (Batch 03)
April 7, 2024 to April 16, 2024 Sunday Eid ul Fitr Holiday* - College Closed
April 20, 2024 to April 27, 2024 Saturday Midterm Supplementary Exam - Batch 01 & 02
April 20, 2024 to April 28, 2024 Saturday Midterm - BSc in Nursing (Batch 02)
May 1, 2024 Wednesday May day - College Closed
May 5, 2024 Sunday International Midwifery Day - Rally and Discussion Program
May 11, 2024 Saturday Fresher Orientation - Batch 04 - Time: 10am
May 12, 2024 Sunday International Nurses Day - Rally & Discussion Program
May 23, 2024 Thursday Buddha Purnima - College Closed
June 3, 2024 to June 11, 2024 Monday Test Exam for Bsc in Nursing (Basic) - Batch 01,02,03
June 15, 2024 to June 20, 2024 Saturday Eid ul Adha's Holiday* - College Closed
June 25, 2024 to July 11, 2024 Tuesday Final Written Exam for BSc in Nursing (Basic) - Batch 01,02,03
July 3, 2024 to July 13, 2024 Wednesday (DN & DM) Test Examination for (1st,2nd & 3rd years)
July 17, 2024 Wednesday Ashura's Holiday - College Closed
Aug. 26, 2024 to Aug. 26, 2024 Monday Janmashtami's Holiday- College closed
Sept. 15, 2024 to Sept. 24, 2024 Sunday (DM & DN) Supplementary Test Examination (1st,2nd & 3rd years)
Date Event Day Title

*Subject to appearance of the moon and Subject to decision by the Government regarding the official holidays.